Journal of Medical - Clinical Research & Reviews

Open Access ISSN: 2639-944X


Candidemia Among Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Patient Attending Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital

Authors: Sule H, Kummurya AS, Sarki FM.

Candidemia is one of the most serious forms of fungal infections, its incidence has been increasing because of the development of immunosuppressive conditions and therapies that encourages proliferation of opportunistic pathogens, as well as aging of population. The study included 165 participants and their blood samples were aseptically collected and inoculated in thioglycolate agar before subculture onto Sabouaud Dextrose Agar (SDA). Gram staining technique, Germ tube test and KOH test were done and later, subcultured onto CHROM agar for phenotypic speciation. From the 165 samples examined, 26 representing a prevalence of 15.8% were found to be positive for candidemia, Out of the total participants 92 were males while 73 were females. The Candida species isolated were C. albican 46.1%, C. krusei 26.9%, C. glabrata 23.2% and C. tropicalis 3.8%. the results showed that, Candida albican was the most common isolated specie 12(46.1%). Based on the results also, age range of 31-40 had the highest isolation frequency 9(34.6%) among all the age groups. According to the sex, male 15(57.7%) were more infected than female 11(42.3%). The findings showed that candida species are found to be among the compounders of health-related problems among TB patients in the study area.

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