Nursing & Primary Care

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9474


Revising the US CDC Guidelines on Opioid Prescription A Commentary

Authors: Richard A Lawhern.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have begun a major review and revision to their 2016 Guidelines on prescription of opioids to adults with chronic non-cancer pain. Stakeholder comments were solicited in April 2020, in the US Federal Register concerning management of acute and chronic pain. Among comments received was a 17-page letter from the President and CEO of the American Medical Association.

If acted upon, the AMA comments would almost entirety redirect the logic and practices recommended in 2016, and invalidate most core assumptions of the CDC writers. This paper summarizes the substance of AMA-recommended changes affecting the practice of nursing. Recommendations are offered for further evolution of these changes, to address weaknesses in supporting research and clarification of intent.

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