Oral Health and Dental science

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9490


Alloys and Ceramics Used for Crowns and Bridges: Survey Among Dentists in Private Section in The City of Casablanca Morocco

Authors: Anas BENNANI, Meriem EL Mdaghri, Amira TOHRY, Mouna HAMZA.

 Introduction: This study aims to know the most used alloys and ceramics used by dentists and to make an inventory of their knowledge in this field.

Material and methods: A descriptive epidemiological survey was conducted among 309 dentists, holding a private practice in Casablanca, through an anonymous questionnaire.

Results: Our study had a participation rate of 85.8% and found that the majority of practitioners used Nickel- Chromium-based alloys for crowns and bridges’ substructures, whereas only 30% use Co-Cr.
Precious alloys are used by 11% of practitioners.

The alloy’s essential selection criteria are the mechanical properties 62.6%, the cost 41.9%, the clinical situation 40.8% and the processing technique 23.8%. Zirconia based ceramics were the most used materials (more than 70%) by our practitioners for ceramic restorations followed by glass ceramics and then aluminous based ceramics.

Discussion: Our survey showed that Ni-Cr alloys are the most commonly used by our practitioners. While in Sweden and Japan, Co-Cr based alloys are widely favored.

Precious alloys were still used in New Zealand. The practitioners must take into account the mechanical and biological properties when choosing an alloy.

According to the literature, the glass ceramics are preferred for anterior crowns and only anterior bridges with small extent. While Alumina and Zirconia based ceramics are preferred for anterior and posterior crowns and posterior bridges.

Conclusion: The fixed dental prosthesis has undergone significant development due to the appearance of new ceramic and metallic materials. However, it can be difficult for the dentist to make a choice among these different materials, which is why it is important to know and understand the clinical considerations for each material.

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