Nursing & Primary Care

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9474


Spanish Version of the Death Attitude Profile-Revised (DAP-R): A Study on Nursing Students

Authors: Enrique Sáez, Pilar Barreto, Pilar Medrano, Marián Pérez, Amparo Oliver, Laura Galiana.

The aim of current research is to present the Spanish version of the DAP-R, using confirmatory techniques. The sample was composed of 286 nursing undergraduate students. The confirmatory factor analysis tested offered an appropriate overall fit, internal consistency of the subscales was adequate, and most of the correlations among the DAP-R and the CL-FODS dimensions were statistically significant and, in the direction, expected. Conclusions pointed out: (1) The appropriate psychometric properties of the DAP-R when used in Spanish nurses’ sample, and (2) the importance of three concrete death attitudes for professionals’ well-being: fear of death, escape acceptance and neutral acceptance.

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