Gynecology & Reproductive Health

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9342


Double Gestation at Full Term on A Double-Horned Uterus: About one Case, at Polyclinique du Millénaire de Kisangani, D.R. Congo

Authors: Ley Mutanda Basonika, Albert Yemba, Yenyi Ahuka Longombe, Marcelle Dengo, Richard Kabuyanga, Michel Kyembwa, Kasereka Muteke, Ahuka Ona Longombe

The incidence of congenital uterine malformations in the female population is estimated at 3-4%. The cloistered uterus is the most common uterine malformation, accounting for 30-50% of cases, followed by uterine malformations of the bicorneal uterus and unicorneal uterus types. We report one case of double gestation at term on a doublehorned uterus. This is the first case recorded at the Millennium Polyclinic and in the city of Kisangani (DR Congo); moreover, it highlights the obstetrical prognosis of women with this uterine malformation.

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