Nursing & Primary Care

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9474


The Prevention of Alopecia Induced by Chemotherapy by Enhancing Self-Esteem and Reducing Distress. Observational Study between the Level of Distress from Chemo-Induced Alopecia and Self-Esteem in Patients Belonging to the Oncology Department of the Bat Health Authority, Italy

Authors: Elsa Vitale, Michele Massaro, Carmela Debora Lavecchia, Cosimo della Pietà, Francesco Germini.

The general goal we have set ourselves is to statistically determine the degree of correlation between chemo-induced alopecia distress and self-esteem as the different degree of alopecia varies. To obtain a representative sample, we decided to perform a cluster sampling, in which the clusters of units were the women affected by the neoplastic disease.

50 female patients who belonged to the oncology day-hospital department of the Local Health Authority Barletta, Italy.

The Nurse has a particularly important role in the patient's care path, as he remains in close contact with him in the various moments of the diagnostic-therapeutic process. For many patients it may be easier to relate to the nurse rather than to other health professionals. For this reason, in the assistance, the nurse is placed at the center of the humanization process, entrusting him with many of the planned interventions.

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