Oral Health and Dental science

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9490


Clinical Considerations for the Implant-Seeking Post-Bariatric Surgery Patient: A Mini-Review

Authors: Jiean Joseph Heifetz-Li, Vivian A. Roknian, Samer Abdelsamie, Joseph P. Mulligan.

Bariatric surgery is a treatment option for patients in whom lifestyle changes and pharmacotherapy does not result in desired weight loss. The physiology of these surgeries may result in nutritional derangements, which may influence wound healing. As more Americans undergo weight-loss surgeries, they have the potential to make up a consequential proportion of patients who seek dental implant therapy. This mini-review aims to review the pathophysiology of commonly performed bariatric surgery and discuss the nutritional consequences as they relate to implant surgery, as well as provide recommendations for the management of post-bariatric surgery patients in the outpatient dental setting.

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