Gynecology & Reproductive Health

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9342


Secondary Amenorrhea Due to Unusual Cause (Hematometrocolpos)

Authors: Elmahaishi Hamza, Zwawa Alia, Elmahaishi Wael M, Elmahaishi MS

Hematometrocolpos usually caused by obstruction of lower genital tract, somewhere in the vagina such as Imperforated hymen. In our case there is no obstruction in the vagina, but started at the cervix in a form of membrane. This membrane extended in the vagina forming intavaginal cyst which filled with blood and by time gave the complete picture of hematometrocolpos. This case aged 53 years old, para7 and presenting to our clinic complaining of urinary retention burning of micturition and secondary amenorrhea for 9 months.

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