Medical and Clinical Case Reports

Open Access ISSN: 2768-6647


Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities of Lumbar Hernia: About A Case

Authors: Dyatta Mayombo K, Ipouka Doussiemou S, Nguele Ndjota, Orendo Sossa J, Oparadji JR, Mvé Ndong BF, Diallo Owono FK, Ondo N'Dong F.

Introduction: Lumbar hernias are rare. They are done either through the lower and superficial lumbar triangle of Jean-Louis Petit, or through the upper and deep lumbar quadrilateral of Grynfeltt. They can be primary or secondary. We report a rare case of primary hernia of Jean-Louis Petit.

Observation: Mrs. M.A, 73 years old, with a surgical history of right herniorrhaphy indicated in front of an uncomplicated right inguinal hernia, consulted for a right lumbar discomfort. Clinical examination found mild obesity, painless right lumbar swelling above the iliac crest, soft, impulsive to cough, manually reducible. The ultrasound revealed a dorsal lipoma. The scanner was not performed. The diagnosis of lumbar hernia was retained due to the characteristics of the swelling. She received an open prosthetic hernia repair. The post-operative consequences were simple. There was no recurrence after a year.

Conclusion: Lumbar hernias are rare. The clinical examination guides the diagnosis. Its treatment is based on surgery. The open route remains the most affordable in our community. The prosthetic treatment gives good results.

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