Journal of Medical - Clinical Research & Reviews

Open Access ISSN: 2639-944X


Articulate Cartilage Enriched With Autologous Bone Marrow Aspirate as an Approach of Pain Amelioration and Functionality Restoration in Osteoarthritis Patients Older Than 50 Years-Old

Authors: Martha E Cruz-Soto, Carmen Fernández, Jose L Carrillo.

Aim: The following case has the objective to show how mesenchymal cells from the same patient, are a better treatment option for osteoarthritis by means of decreasing pain and increasing functionality.

Case: Male patient, 64 with history of diabetes and osteoporosis. Patient refers pain at the base of his right thumb for the last three years. Pain causes dysfunctionality of right hand, patient unable to write and shake hands.

Findings and Treatment: Patient is unable to shake hands, patient refers pain when pressure is applied to the carpometacarpal joint, as well as when trying to press the thumb and the index finger together, and patient cannot hold this position for a long time. X-ray examination reveals arthrosis of the carpometacarpal joint, the articular space has been reduced to 2 mm, osteophyte deformity of trapezium and metacarpal bone.
The patient is prepared for mesenchymal cell aspiration from the anterior iliac crest and to receive the cells as treatment for osteoarthritis.

Conclusion: Treatment osteoarthritis with autologous mesenchymal stem cells, is a very effective therapeutic alternative. With this approach patient can avoid surgery and greatly improve articular function and diminish pain.

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