Nursing & Primary Care

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9474


Adherence of Hypertensive Clients: A Concept Analysis

Authors: Pius A.L. Berek, Bambang Budi Siswanto, Dewi Irawati, Wisnu Jatmiko, Christian Jay S. Orte, Michael I. Aggari.

Objective: The purpose of this study is to clarify the concept of adherence of hypertensive clients.

Method: Concept analysis proposed by Walker and Avant was applied and searching strategies were done from ProQuest, CINAHL, Scopus and Google Scholar published from 1999 to 2021. Attributes and cases (model, borderline, and contradiction) were identified to clarify the concept.

Results: The results of this concept analysis show that adherence to self-care is a complex concept. This involves physical, psychological, social, cultural, and other aspects that are closely related to human resources, both internal and external for each individual. However, the terminology of adherence is closely related to the self-care of hypertensive patients.

Conclusion: The study clarified self-care adherence and offered defining attributes; adherence recommendations, perceived benefits and benefits of adherence, realization, and acceptance of current conditions, and ability to perform optimal self-care. Case, borderline, and contradiction models are provided to explain this concept. Antecedents, consequences, and empirical references have also been described. Topics related to self-care adherence must be further explored to advance the nursing practice in managing the hypertensive client.

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