Clinical Reviews & Cases

Open Access ISSN: 2689-1069


High Energy Trauma In Relation To the Genesis of Non-Union in Tibial Shaft Fractures

Authors: Guzmán-Juárez LA, Galindo-González GS, Hernández-Romano P, Hernández-Culebro J, Torres-Hernández RM.

Objective: To determine the relationship of high-energy trauma with non-union of the tibial shaft fractures. 
Material and Methods: Observational, retrospective and cross-sectional study that included patients with a diagnosis of tibial non-union with a history of high-energy trauma; high-energy trauma was assessed in relation to the genesis of non-union in tibial shaft fractures; the relationship between both variables was determined. Data were analyzed using measures of central tendency and X2 test.
Results: A total of 201 patients were obtained in total tibial shaft fractures from 2014 to 2018 (5 years), both of high and low energy trauma, female sex 42 patients (20.89 %), male 159 patients (79.10 %), with an average of 36.9 years of age; total non-union in all patients 37 patients (18.40 %), the external fixator in non-union in 17 patients (45.94 %), patients with plaque and posterior non-union with high energy trauma in 10 patients (27.02 %). Non-union was recorded with high-energy trauma at 55.22 % and 44.77 % low energy trauma with a statistical significance of p = 0.00058 and an X2 of 11.82 (RM = 23 and 95 % CI 21.6-25.4).
Conclusions: High-energy trauma is related to the genesis of non-union of any type in tibial shaft fractures.

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