Anesthesia & Pain Research

Open Access ISSN: 2639-846X


The Analgesic Efficacy of Erector Spinae Plane Block in Ankle and Foot Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Study

Authors: Omar Sayed Fargaly, Mohamed Ahmed Hamed, Mohammed Ahmed Moussa, Yasser Salem Mostafa, Mohammed Magdy Basiony, Mohammad Fouad Algyar, Mohammed Awad Alsaeid.

Background: During ankle and foot surgeries, we often use different regional analgesic modalities to reduce patient pain during and after orthopaedic and surgical operations. The purpose of this research was to examine the effectiveness of erector spinae plane (ESP) block for postoperative pain management after ankle and foot surgeries.

Methods: Sixty patients, aged 18 to 65, with ASA physical status I, participated in a randomized controlled clinical experiment. Patients were divided into two groups (E and C) at random, with group (E) receiving ESP block and group (C) receiving a placebo. The patients' medical histories were evaluated, and they were all examined and tested.

Results: Observations At 2, 4, 12 & 24 hours postoperatively, the ESP group had substantially lower visual analogue scale (VAS) ratings in contrast to the control group. The total quantity of fentanyl and pethidine given during, and after surgeries were both considerably lower in the Erector group in comparison with the control group. Total nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication usage did not vary significantly among the 2 groups, however.

Conclusions: ESP is safe & effective technique in decreasing pain and providing adequate analgesic effect in ankle and foot ssurgeries. Trial Registration: This study was prospectively registered on under the NCT05708742 number (principal investigator: Mohamed Ahmed Hamed), registration date: 24/01/ 2023.

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