Anesthesia & Pain Research

Open Access ISSN: 2639-846X


Ketamine plus Cervical Sympathetic Blockade (CSB) Seems to be Significantly More Effective in Reducing the Symptoms of PTSD and Depression than CSB alone in a PTSD Cohort

Authors: Eugene Lipov, Hunter Rolain, Luke Lammers.

Purpose: A significant number of Americans have symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and depression. Cervical sympathetic block (CSB) combined with sub-anesthetic ketamine infusions (KI) have been shown to reduce the symptoms of PTSD and depression via a synergistic effect. We aim to report a significant improvement of PTSD and depressive symptoms by concordant use of CSB and KI as compared to CSB alone.

Methods: 26 consecutive patients were recruited to study the effects of KI and bilateral CSB vs bilateral CSB alone on sleep via a WHOOP band analysis. Patients were randomized to receive CSB alone vs KI and CSB. Patients received KI and CSB via clinic protocol.

Results: Patients (n=11) that received CSB only, demonstrated a PCL reduction of 56.1% and BDI reduction of 59.5%. Patients (n=12) that received CSB and KI together, demonstrated a PCL reduction of 76.9% and a BDI reduction of 83.7%.

Conclusion: Bilateral CSB combined with KI seems to be more effective in treating PTSD and depression symptoms as compared to bilateral CSB alone. Considering the size of the study, a larger scale evaluation would be necessary to confirm our findings.

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