Journal of Chronic Disease Prevention and Care

Open Access


Dermatological Manifestations of IgG4-Related Disease: Insights into the Immunopathogenesis and Clinical Spectrum

Authors: Julia Vinagolu-Baur, Kelly Frasier, Vivian Li, Sriya Kakarla, Sara Christoforides, Kali Malham, Milena Dragovic.

This review aims to provide insights into the immunopathogenesis and clinical spectrum of dermatological manifestations in IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD), a systemic fibroinflammatory disorder characterized by tissue infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells. Through comprehensive immunohistochemical analyses of skin biopsies from patients with IgG4-RD-associated cutaneous lesions, researchers endeavor to understand the role of IgG4- mediated immune responses, cytokine signaling, and fibrotic pathways in driving skin inflammation and fibrosis. Moreover, this research seeks to characterize the clinical presentation and treatment response of IgG4-RD-related dermatological manifestations to immunomodulatory therapies. Understanding the complex immunopathogenic mechanisms underlying IgG4-RD-related skin lesions may contribute to the refinement of diagnostic criteria and therapeutic strategies for managing this emerging autoimmune condition. Future research directions could include exploring novel biomarkers, identifying potential therapeutic targets, and investigating the long-term outcomes of dermatological involvement in IgG4-RD.

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