Journal of Chronic Disease Prevention and Care

Open Access


Dermatologic Manifestations of Cardiac Sarcoidosis: Diagnostic Significance and Clinical Implications

Authors: Haily Fritts, Grace Herrick, Kelly Frasier, Milena Dragovic, Muhammad Hassan, Vivian Li, Julia Vinagolu-Baur, Sriya Kakarla, Sandra Cuevas.

Cardiac sarcoidosis, a complex and often insidious systemic granulomatous disease, presents a myriad of dermatologic manifestations that may precede or coincide with cardiac involvement, serving as pivotal diagnostic indicators. However, the comprehensive spectrum of these cutaneous findings and their diagnostic significance in the context of cardiac sarcoidosis warrant a more in-depth exploration. This qualitative review embarks on a meticulous synthesis of qualitative evidence drawn from a multitude of sources, including extensive case reports, case series, and histopathological studies. Through a meticulous examination of the diverse dermatologic manifestations observed in patients with cardiac sarcoidosis, ranging from erythema nodosum and lupus pernio to less recognized presentations such as scar sarcoidosis and hypopigmented macules, this review aims to unravel the intricacies of these dermatologic clues. Moreover, it addresses the nuanced histopathological features underlying these cutaneous manifestations, shedding light on their diagnostic specificity and clinical relevance. By analyzing the myriad dermatologic phenotypes of cardiac sarcoidosis, this review not only aims to enrich clinicians’ understanding but also strives to empower them with the knowledge to recognize and interpret these dermatologic clues effectively. Such insights are pivotal in facilitating timely referral for cardiac evaluation and instituting appropriate therapeutic interventions, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes in the challenging landscape of cardiac sarcoidosis management.

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