Recent Advances in Clinical Trials

Open Access ISSN: 2771-9057


Dentists Knowledge about Dental Evidences in Persons Forensic Identification in Nineveh Province

Authors: Rawaa Y Al-Rawee, Sufyan Hammadi Ahmed, Hanan Nahel, Bashar Abdul-Ghani Tawfeeq.

Aims: Evaluate the knowledge of dental practitioners about forensic odontology and emphasize their role and opinions about keeping dental records of patients.

Methodology: Cross Sectional study was conducted among different dentists in three main dental specialist centers in Nineveh. All dentists working in the Dental Specialized Centers in Nineveh. Questioner list distributed to 1000 participants. Google form of self-administered questions translated to Arabic language. Demographical Informations, set of questions related to knowledge of dentists and other three main question each have different answers and the dentist should choose the appropriate one. Likert Scale used to analyze data and differences between to variables using ANOVA test with P value ≤ 0.05.

Results: Female show high significant percent (67%) and forty percent with age group between 41-50 years. For their knowledge all dentists show highest percent for the ten questions with yes answers.

Conclusion: Dentists in Nineveh have good knowledge about their role and importance in forensic odontology. In spite of that efforts need to improve their education with different conferences, workshops and meetings as well as motivate them to keep the data records of each patient whether in institutions or private clinics can be used any time.

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