Authors: Pichaet Wiriyachitra, Sirithip Wiriyachitra, Siriporn Wonghiranyingyot, Ampai Panthong, Ganigah Ruanjahn, Souwalak Phongpaichit, Wilawan Mahabusarakam.
In the article ByeByeHIV with Thai Innovation, published on February 25, 2024, we reported the success of using ByeByeHIV innovation to achieve ByeByeHIV, a condition of undetectable HIV with good health without the use of any antiretroviral drugs. The innovation, a synergistic mixture of extracts from mangosteen, black sesame, soy, guava, and Centella asiatica, is a dietary supplement approved by the Thai FDA under the name BIM V, LIV, Mylife, and NOVIR. The formula enhances immune function by stimulating Th1 and Th17 cells, boosting killer T cell activity, and repairing telomere damage caused by HIV and antiretroviral drugs. The success was observed in two groups: the first group comprised 24 HIV-infected individuals who had never used antiretroviral drugs (Group A), and the second group included 26 individuals who were previously infected with HIV and had used antiretroviral drugs (Group B). As of December 2024 the number of successful ByeByeHIV cases in Group A increased to 40 individuals and Group B to 40 individuals. This article provides a progress update on Group A. The results showed that all 40 volunteers in Group A have achieved ByeByeHIV. Furthermore, 15 volunteers in this group have discontinued ByeByeHIV formula for periods ranging from 6 months to over 4 years and remain in good health with undetectable HIV. The first volunteer, who decided to discontinue ByeByeHIV formula after almost 7 years of undetectable HIV, has enjoyed approximately 10 years of undetectable HIV. This suggests that these 15 volunteers may have become HIV-free. A representative case, Mr. Din, has maintained undetectable HIV with good health after discontinuing ByeByeHIV formula in August 2024. The results underscore the effectiveness of ByeByeHIV formula as a therapy for individuals who have never used antiretroviral drugs, marking a significant milestone in the global fight to eradicate HIV/AIDS.
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