Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9512


The Place of PRP and PRF Methods for Trophic Ulcers Treatment in Patients with Decompensation Stages of Varicose Veins in Combination with RFA

Authors: Goshchynsky V.B, Luhovyi O.B, Migenko B.O, Pyatnychka T.V, Pyatnychka O.Z.

45 patients with varicose disease of the lower extremities at the stage of decompensation (C6 according to the CEAR classification) were under observation. Among them there were 34 women, 11 men, at the age of 45 ± 46 years old. The size of the trophic ulcers was from 2.5 × 1.5 to 8.5 × 7.5 cm, the duration of them was on average up to 8 months. The complex clinical, morphological, bacteriological examination of the trophic ulcers has been carried out to all patients treated. To objectively evaluate the dynamics of reparative processes in trophic ulcers, the MEASURE system was used, as well as the etermination of the regenerative- degenerative index before and after the PRP, the PRF was made. For PRP and PRF, the plasma-enriched growth factors (PRGF®- NDORET®) was prepared according to the protocol of the BTI Institute of Biotechnology (Victoria, Spain). Injections were performed on the periphery of the trophic ulcer. Then the surface of the ulcer was covered with a plasmа (fibrin) membrane enriched with growth factors. This made it possible to accelerate the appearance of granulation tissue and marginal epithelization in the trophic ulcer and significantly increase the number of cells responsible for reparative processes (macrophages, fibroblasts, polyblasts).

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