Authors: McCullough, Karey D. RN, PhD and Hatt, Blaine E. PhD
The globalization of nursing is indeed a pressing and modern topic of discussion in today’s educational corners. There are two modes of engagement in egards to the global nursing world, one, the ‘I-It’ mode of experience and the other the ‘I-Thou’ mode of encounter (Buber, 1923, trans 1937). The globalization of the nursing curriculum is the latest ‘I-It’ neo-liberal advance toward a technical-rational construct of nursing. The movement of the nursing curricula onto a global level is considered to be inevitable (Mill, Astle, Ogilvie, & Gastaldo, 2010), and within that context, educators and scholars need to be mindful of the forces that are significantly influencing its direction. Some of the concepts that contribute to the push for globalization of nursing curricula are advanced technology, McDonaldization, routinization, negating the other, and depersonalizing the profession of nursing. These concepts are discussed using a philosophical and theoretical lens.
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