Dermatology Research

Open Access ISSN: 2690-537X


Early Surgical Adverse Events and Incidence Rates in Bidirectional Barb Suspension Thread Surgery

Authors: Kacey HAU

 Background: There is a constant upsurge in the use of minimal invasive surgery in aesthetic practice globally. Barb thread suspension has been used to reshape and reposition facial contour. However, the safety, incidence of adverse events is not well defined.

Objectives: To study the incidence of adverse events in the first four weeks after thread surgery.

Results: The incidence of adverse events at week four is 5.5%. Most of them are mild (5%). Significant events include parotid gland tear and surgical site infection. Majority of the patients (86%) and the physicians (89%) give a global score for the recovery issues from none to mild and acceptable.

Conclusion: Barb suspension surgery is a safe office-based procedure. Among different variables, standardized surgical protocol, sterile handling and hands-on training may help to secure the safety.

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