American Journal of Pathology & Research

Open Access ISSN: 2836-3647

Articles Inpress

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2836-3647.1006
In Vitro Studies on the Effects of Aqueous Extracts of Syzygium Aromaticum Linn. (Cloves) and Zingiber Officinale Roscoe (Ginger) on Erythrocyte Osmotic Fragility in Sickle Cells

Authors: Adamu Laila Ali, Gadaka Madu Adamu, Abubakar Abdulwasiu, Usman Muhammad Ibrahim, Salami Hamza Adegoke.

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2836-3647.1007
Myoglobin Cast Nephropathy, A Series of Five Cases

Authors: Sk Md Jaynul Islam, Iqbal Karim, Shamoli Yasmin.

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2836-3647.1008
The Oncogenic lncRNA HOTAIR is not Expressed in the ATRT-MYC-derived Cell Line BT12

Authors: Mina Wanas, Manar Mansour, Khaled Abou Aisha.

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2836-3647.1009
Role of Hep Par1 Immuno marker for Cytological Differentiation between Primary and Metastatic Liver Cancer

Authors: Yeasmin F, Ali MA, Dewan RK, Jinnah SA, Gomes RR.

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2836-3647.1010
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices with Regard to Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection among Students at the University of Kara

Authors: Sika Dossim, Kossi D. Alowe, Komlan Kamassa, Detema Maba, Andre Dondonyaragou, Diane Gbeassor-Komlanvi, Mounerou Salou, Anoumou Y. Dagnra, Mireille Prince-David.

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2836-3647.1011
PRAME Immunohistochemistry Differentiates Severely Dysplastic Nevus from Melanoma In Situ

Authors: Kelsey Mills, Jordan Farnham, Jeminat Braimoh, Geraldine Dowling, Paul H. Hartel.

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2836-3647.1012
Etiology of Lymphoma in Western Sudan: Role of Cytomegalovirus, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, and Epstein-Barr Virus

Authors: Rabaah ALadawya Mohammed Salih Elbasheri Gadkreem, Mohamed Mahgoub Hassan Khalifa, Balgis Elhag Ibrahim Tager, Faris Mergheni Elmahadi, Ahmed AbdallaAgabEldour, Hussain Gadelkarim Ahmed.