International Journal of Research in Virology

Open Access

International Journal of Research in Virology is a high-quality, online, open-access, peer-reviewed journal publishes articles related to virology and related fields. This journal publishes peer reviewed content related virology, but not limited to viral genetics, Computational Virology, Molecular Virology, Vaccine development, emerging diseases, infectious diseases, Immunology, Clinical Virology, Animal and plant viruses, Viral diseases and diagnosis, Laboratory medicine, etc. 

IJRV publishes variety of article types such as Original Submissions, Reviews, Mini Reviews, Short Communications, Perspectives and Editorials. International Journal of Research in Virology is a widespread journal that covers following topics such as pre-clinical and clinical studies of novel diagnostic tools, vaccines and anti-viral therapies, molecular genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, structural biology, cell biology, morphology, genetics, infections and pathogenesis.

Our journal strongly supports the Open Access initiative. All published articles will be assigned DOI provided by Cross Ref. International Journal of Research in Oncology will keep up-to- date with the latest advancements in the field of oncology. Abstracts and Pdfs of all articles published are freely available to everyone immediately after publication.

Authors are requested to submit manuscripts as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at

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Recent Articles

Cardiology & Vascular Research PMID: 35873864 PMCID: PMC9306221
Elevated Cardiopulmonary Complications after Revascularization in Patients with Severe Mental Health Disorders

Authors: Leah Gober, Adam Brown, Avianne P Bunnell, Brian E Bunnell, Jean Marie Ruddy
DOI: 10.33425/2639-8486.1122

Gynecol Reprod Health PMID: 34250501 PMCID: PMC8270392
Maternal Hyperglycemia Induces Changes in Gene Expression and Morphology in Mouse Placentas

Authors: Molly Eckmann, Quanhu Sheng, Scott Baldwin H, Rolanda L Lister.
DOI: 10.33425/2639-9342.1140

Microbiol Infect Dis PMID: 35350749 PMCID: PMC8959116
PMID: 35291211 PMCID: PMC8919953
PMID: 37323429 PMCID: PMC10270693
Research Article DOI: -
Torsional Vibrations of DNA and RNA

Authors: Ikhlov BL, Tregubova Irene Evgenyevna, Ratkin Lev Samuilovith.

Review Article DOI: -
Applications of Molecular Phylogeny in Disease Diagnosis

Authors: Aminu RF, Emurotu MO, Mofolorunsho KC, Atokolo A, Okpanachi RO.

Research Article DOI: -
Evaluation of Bacteria Associated with Ready to Eat Rice in the Niger Delta South-South Nigeria and Their Susceptibility

Authors: Christopher M.A, Nyoyoko V.F, Owowo Etanguno E, Uyoh A.E.

Research Article DOI: -
Comparison of Adverse COVID-19 Vaccines Reactions between First and Second Doses, First Booster and Fourth Doses in General Medicine

Authors: Jose Luis Turabian.

Research Article DOI: -
Manifestations of COVID-19 in Black African Pregnant Women

Authors: Lidaw Déassoua Bawè, Awèréou Kotosso, Akouda Akessiwe Patassi, Koffi Atsu Aziagbé, Sarakawabalo Assenouwe, Yawovi Mawufemo Tsevi, Bawoubadi Abaltou, Abdou-Razak  Moukaïla