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Cardiology & Vascular Research PMID: 35873864 PMCID: PMC9306221
Elevated Cardiopulmonary Complications after Revascularization in Patients with Severe Mental Health Disorders

Authors: Leah Gober, Adam Brown, Avianne P Bunnell, Brian E Bunnell, Jean Marie Ruddy
DOI: 10.33425/2639-8486.1122

Gynecol Reprod Health PMID: 34250501 PMCID: PMC8270392
Maternal Hyperglycemia Induces Changes in Gene Expression and Morphology in Mouse Placentas

Authors: Molly Eckmann, Quanhu Sheng, Scott Baldwin H, Rolanda L Lister.
DOI: 10.33425/2639-9342.1140

Gynecol Reprod Health PMID: 34250501 PMCID: PMC8270392
Ovarian Stimulation Increases the Risk of Fetal Cardiac Defects of Pups Exposed to Severe Maternal Hyperglycemia

Authors: Rolanda Lister, Etoi Garrison, Francine Hughes, Scott Baldwin, Bin Zhou.
DOI: 10.33425/2639-9342.1074

Microbiol Infect Dis PMID: 35350749 PMCID: PMC8959116
Microbiol Infect Dis PMID: 35291211 PMCID: PMC8919953
Microbiol Infect Dis PMID: 35368369 PMCID: PMC8975254
PMID: 37323429 PMCID: PMC10270693

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Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2689-1069.1057
High Energy Trauma In Relation To the Genesis of Non-Union in Tibial Shaft Fractures

Authors: Guzmán-Juárez LA, Galindo-González GS, Hernández-Romano P, Hernández-Culebro J, Torres-Hernández RM.

Case Report DOI: 10.33425/2835-3587.1016
Comprehensive Treatment of Hepatic Sarcomatoid Carcinoma: A Case Report

Authors: Shixiong Shi, Rengeng Liu, Hua Xiang, Lin Long.

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2639-9474.1051
Increasing Provision Rate of Asthma Action Plans in Primary Care: A Quality Improvement Project

Authors: Hutchison, Lynne M., DNP, FNP-BC

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2639-9474.1062
Effectiveness of Electronic Learning Module in Implementing Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia Prevention Measures of Intensive Care Unit Nurses

Authors: Taghreed Hamza Hawsawi, Elham Al-Naghshabandi, Samah Mahmoud Sofar.

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2639-8486.1064
Association Between Hepatitis C Virus Infection and Clinical Atherosclerosis at The University Hospital of Cotonou, Comparative Cross- Sectional Study in 105 Patients

Authors: Philippe Mahouna ADJAGBA, Aboudou Raïmi KPOSSOU, Comlan N’déhougbea Martin SOKPON, Arnaud SONOU, Murielle HOUNKPONOU, Yessoufou TCHABI, Jean SEHONOU, Martin Dèdonougbo HOUÉNASSI.

Case Report DOI: 10.33425/2641-4333.1013
Seizures Revealing Familial Meningiomatosis in Two Half Brothers in PointeNoire, Congo

Authors: SOUNGA BANDZOUZI Prince Eliot Galieni, DIATEWA Josue, MOTOULA Dina, MPANDZOU Ghislain Armel, EKOUELE MBAKI Hugues, GAMS Daniel, TWAGIRIMANA Séraphin, KOUBEMBA Godefroy Charles, OSSOU-NGUIET Paul Macaire.

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Surgical Research
Surgical Research
ISSN: 2689-1093

Surgical Research is a scholarly open access, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on General Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Orthognath...

Addiction Research
Addiction Research
ISSN: 2639-8451

Addiction Research is an international online peer-reviewed journal publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies rel...

American Journal of Pathology & Research
American Journal of Pathology & Research
ISSN: 2836-3647

American Journal of Pathology & Research is an international open access scholarly journal publishes articles on all aspects of pathology and r...

Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
ISSN: 2639-9512

Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine is a peer-reviewed international open-access journal publishing high-quality manuscripts focusing on the biol...

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