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Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2771-9057.1015
Risk Factors for Dementia

Authors: Faisal Abdullatif Alnaser.

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2639-944X.1323
Diseases and Treatment with NOA: Mini Review of Trauma Coagulopathy

Authors: Amelia Morgillo, Edoardo Marovino, Marcello Mazzarella, Serena Merandi, Lucia Giordano, Caterina Rosaria Morgillo.

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2639-9458.1071
Knowledge and Awareness of Oral Precancerous Lesions Among Dentists and Dental Students in Riyadh City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Authors: Asma Saleh Almeslet

Review Article DOI: AIDT-17-003
Impact on the Need for Hospital Care, Intensive Care and Mortality of a Mass Vaccination Campaign against Pandemic Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in Uppsala County, Sweden

Authors: Staffan P.E. Sylvan, Bodil Ardung, Johan Hedlund.

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Genetics & Molecular Medicine
Genetics & Molecular Medicine
ISSN: 2689-1077

Genetics & Molecular Medicine is an international peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes high-quality articles on the latest advance...

Gynecology & Reproductive Health
Gynecology & Reproductive Health
ISSN: 2639-9342

Gynecology & Reproductive Health is an open access journal with Impact Factor: 0.23, publishes original research work in ...

International Journal of Psychiatry Research
International Journal of Psychiatry Research
ISSN: 2641-4317

International Journal of Psychiatry Research is a multidisciplinary journal with Impact Factor: 0.65, a forum for communication am...

Journal of Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Journal of Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Journal of Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is a global, peer-reviewed open access online journal, committed to timely publ...

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