Authors: Nokam Abéna Marie Elvire, Essama Eno Belinga Lawrence, Boutchouang Raoul-Papy, Bengondo Messanga Charles
Authors: Chee K Hui, Kit Hui.
Authors: Matthew Freedman, Kunal Kapoor, Sumon Roy.
Authors: Mody Rohit, Dash Debabrata, Mody Bhavya, Saholi Aditya, Khullar Akshit.
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Nursing & Primary Care is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes scholarly articles on ethics and practices in nursing and healthc...
Addiction Research is an international online peer-reviewed journal publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies rel...
Clinical Immunology & Research is a peer-reviewed, open access journal publishes articles on molecular and cellular bases of immunological dise...
Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research is an international journal dedicated to publishing various disciplines of articles in Chemistry, Pharmacy &...