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Cardiology & Vascular Research PMID: 35873864 PMCID: PMC9306221
Elevated Cardiopulmonary Complications after Revascularization in Patients with Severe Mental Health Disorders

Authors: Leah Gober, Adam Brown, Avianne P Bunnell, Brian E Bunnell, Jean Marie Ruddy
DOI: 10.33425/2639-8486.1122

Gynecol Reprod Health PMID: 34250501 PMCID: PMC8270392
Maternal Hyperglycemia Induces Changes in Gene Expression and Morphology in Mouse Placentas

Authors: Molly Eckmann, Quanhu Sheng, Scott Baldwin H, Rolanda L Lister.
DOI: 10.33425/2639-9342.1140

Gynecol Reprod Health PMID: 34250501 PMCID: PMC8270392
Ovarian Stimulation Increases the Risk of Fetal Cardiac Defects of Pups Exposed to Severe Maternal Hyperglycemia

Authors: Rolanda Lister, Etoi Garrison, Francine Hughes, Scott Baldwin, Bin Zhou.
DOI: 10.33425/2639-9342.1074

Microbiol Infect Dis PMID: 35350749 PMCID: PMC8959116
Microbiol Infect Dis PMID: 35291211 PMCID: PMC8919953
Microbiol Infect Dis PMID: 35368369 PMCID: PMC8975254
PMID: 37323429 PMCID: PMC10270693

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Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2639-9474.1132
Bullying and Threats to Belonging: Cultural Challenges in Rural and Remote Nursing Practice

Authors: Stanley David, Stanley Karen, Sudheer Bindu.

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2639-8478.1101
Identification of Genetic Alterations in Prostate Cancer Using Gene Expression Profiling

Authors: Zeynep Kucukakcali, Ipek Balikci Cicek.

Review Article DOI: 10.33425/3065-5641.1003
Silver Trauma: Changing Patterns of Trauma in the Older Population

Authors: Habiba Abbasi, Vikram Anumakonda.

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2641-4317.1055
Provide Continuity of Care to Psychotic and Schizophrenic Patients Followed in Chud / Borgou

Authors: DJIDONOU Anselme, AYONOU Pacôme Yémalin, TOGNON-TCHEGNONSI Francis, ADJIDO ComlanThéodore, FIOSSI-KPADONOU Emilie.

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2771-9057.1045
A Multifrequency Acoustic Device for Memory Enhancement

Authors: Awad Mansour, Ammar Mansour.

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2639-9342.1092
Domestic Violence among Infertile Women in Makurdi, North- Central Nigeria

Authors: Eka PO, Swende TZ, Hembah-Hilekaan SK, Ojabo AO, Utoo BT, Audu Onyemocho, Unazi EU

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Gynecology & Reproductive Health
Gynecology & Reproductive Health
ISSN: 2639-9342

Gynecology & Reproductive Health is an open access journal with Impact Factor: 0.23, publishes original research work in ...

Medical and Clinical Case Reports
Medical and Clinical Case Reports
ISSN: 2768-6647

Medical and Clinical Case Reports is an open access journal to publish genuine and academically valuable case reports and Images to elaborate ...

Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research
Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research
ISSN: 2689-1050

Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research is an international journal dedicated to publishing various disciplines of articles in Chemistry, Pharmacy &...

International Journal of Spine Surgery and Research
International Journal of Spine Surgery and Research

The International Journal of Spine Surgery and Research is a peer-reviewed, open-access medical journal dedicated to the field of spine surgery and...

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